
Mannesmann H2ready®

EWE pipeline of the future 2023 (Germany) | EWE NETZ GmbH
Product Line pipes for H2
Dimensions 610.0 x 14.3 / 15.9 / 16.2 mm
Steel grade L360 NE and L415 ME
Total length 73.6 km (approx. 16,500 t)
Coating / lining HDPE
Special features Approximately 15 km with PP coating, 6 mm thick, approximately 1 km GRP coated
Delivery year 2023
H2-Pipeline Oberhausen-thyssenkrupp Steel Duisburg (Deutschland) | AIR LIQUIDE Deutschland GmbH
Product Line pipes for H2
Dimensions 323.9 x / 8.0 / 10.0 mm
Steel grade L360 NE
Total length 7.5 km (430 t)
Coating / lining HDPE
Special features Partly GRP coated
Delivery year 2022
Thermal power station Leipzig-Süd (Germany) | Netz Leipzig GmbH
Product Line pipes for gas and H2
Dimensions 323.9 x 7.1 / 8.0 / 10.0 mm
Steel grade L290 NE
Total length 2.5 km (260 t)
Coating / lining HDPE
Special features Partly GRP coated, partly covered with thick layer cement (approx. 60 mm)
Delivery year 2020
Gas pipeline 178 (Walle-Wolfsburg) (Germany) | N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, Gasunie Deutschland GmbH
Product Line pipes for gas and H2
Dimensions 406.4 x 10.0 / 11.3 / 14.2 mm
Steel grade L360 NE
Total length 28.6 km (3,108 t)
Coating / lining HDPE / Epoxy flow coat
Special features Partly GRP and UV (Interseal) coated respectively
Delivery year 2020

Further Applications

Waste Disposal Wembley Park (Great Britain) | Envac Scandinavia AB, Sweden
Product AVAC (automated vacuum collection) pipes
Dimensions DN 500 x 5.6 / 6.3 / 12.0 / 16.0 mm
Steel grade X52
Order volume 600 t
Special features Tightest manufacturing tolerances, above-average recycling rate of 5 t waste/day thanks to the use of our steel line pipes
Delivery years 2006 - 2017